Adventure Games


















Trying new things




Diving is one of my favorite activities.

Below you can see a map of locations I have been diving at and want to dive at, and a short summary of my diving experiences.

Some of my underwater photographs can be found on the following links;




Me inside the Devil's Den cave in Florida.


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Diving is one of those activities I simply love, there's just a completely different world down there. Among many others I've seen dolphins, whales, sharks, hundreds of beautiful small creatures and snakes who were following us curiously just the way we divers swim up to other ocean inhabitants.

Seeing things is great, but diving also appeals to me at a different level. I can very well enjoy a dive in a mud lake here in Sweden seeing nothing but s few plants (although I do have to admit zero visibility was not really my thing, I do prefer to see my hand in front of me), there really is something addictive about just being under water and able to move freely in three dimensions.

I first learnt to dive at the age of 15, and was admittedly not thrilled about being dragged up at 6 am on Saturdays to go to the pool with my parents (a CMAS course lasts for a few months). The outdoor dives were scheduled for November, that's 8 ̊ C in a semi-dry suit. As a defiant teenager my diving days could very well have stopped there, but then there was this little white fish. He must have been a few centimeters long tops, and as visibility was what it usually is around Stockholm he suddenly showed up out of nowhere right in front of me. And then he just sat there, looking at me, moving his fins gently to stay still. Watching him made conscious of how comfortable it was to move under water and how interested I was in seeing more of this world, and I have been diving every chance I get ever since.

As my parents did not continue diving a lot and at the time I did not know any people who did dives were quite sporadic over the following 8 years, until I ended up working at an architecture office in the small town of Port Douglas by the Great Barrier Reef. In 7 months I did more than 60 dives, and also continued my training with the advanced and rescue courses.

Today I'm diving actively both in Sweden and at trips abroad. Above you can see a map of places I have been diving at and plan to go diving at, at some point. I´m always happy to hear tips on interesting dive sites, tell people about ones I have been at and discuss potential diving trips. :)